On the 25th April 2012, Huntingdonshire District Council approved the implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from the 1st May 2012. All developments permitted from that date will potentially be liable to pay the levy. Details on the Charging Schedule setting out the rates applicable and the Council’s Instalment Policy can be found on the website at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/cil.
This CIL Calculator will help you to work out the indicative CIL liability of your proposed development. It is not the final liable amount which will be confirmed to liable parties after planning permission has been granted. It should first be noted that, with the exception of proposals which will comprise one or more dwellings (which are charged for all new floorspace irrespective of size), no CIL charge will be made for proposals which create less than 100m2 of new chargeable floorspace.
To use the calculator you will need to have the details of the gross internal floorspace of the development and the amount of floorspace to be provided for each use. If there is any existing floorspace on the site to be reused or demolished, you will need to know for what use and whether the building has been/will be in lawful use for a continuous period of at least six months in the last three years on the date planning permission first permits development.
Some development, such as social housing or charitable development, may be exempt or apply for relief to pay CIL. Any such claims can only be submitted and considered after planning permission has been granted and, as such, are not considered in this indicative calculation.
If you have any questions on this calculator please email CRM_Planning@huntingdonshire.gov.uk or telephone 01480 388349.
This calculator will only give you an indicative figure, which is an approximate amount based on current information provided. A full detailed calculation, including index linking, will be provided in the liability notice. This could be higher or lower than the indicative amount.
Proposed development
Please set out in the matrix below the amount of floorspace for each use that will form part of the completed development.
Amount of Total floorspace which is in existing buildings being reused
Total floorspace including re-use on completion
Total m 2
Total m 2
Demolition of existing floorspace
If floorspace (of any use) will be demolished as part of the development, please specify how much.
Demolition covers existing buildings that are on the relevant land and in lawful use on the day planning permission first permits development and are to be demolished before completion of the chargeable development as detailed in the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended)
Final chargeable floorspace
m 2